BVI National Science Fair
Team Claudia Creque Educational Centre Pri.
"Electricity - lemon power"
Grade K-3
By: Axel Varlack
Living in Anegada, sometimes, there are constant power outages. This experiment aims to find out if lemons produce voltage. This project was chosen because I was fascinated to see if fruits like lemons can produce power and after finding the volts of 5 lemons, I attached a bulb out of curiosity to see if it would work and it worked. Five lemons were used and each was tested with a voltmeter to see how many volts passed through each lemon then all 5 lemons' volts were found. A bulb was attached to see if the lemons could power the bulb and it was successful. With this success, it can be concluded that maybe most fruits can produce electricity, so when the power goes during the night, I can use this form of power to go to the bathroom and maybe do other things like homework.
"The digestive system"
Grade 4-6
By: Giuliana Faulkner
How does the digestive system work?
The objective of this project was to show how the digestive system operates as this is one of the topics that my Grade 4 class had to study. It is important that we all know how it works so that we can take better care of ourselves by eating what is good for us. Food is important as it gives energy, prevents illness and helps you to grow healthy. It is very interesting to see how the different types of food are broken down from ingestion to excretion. A piece of bread starts to digest in the mouth, with no digestion in the stomach but the digestion continues in the small intestine. Protein, on the other hand, digestion takes place in the stomach and continues in the small intestine. As a resident of Anegada, the resources are very limited and I strongly believe in recycling. As a result of this, I used recycled materials (for example rope, bottle, glass, old clothes, among other items) to make my three-dimensional digestive system. This project provided evidence that the digestive system starts from the mouth and ends in the anus and that it breaks nutrients into parts small enough for your body to absorb and use for energy, growth, and cell repair.
"Melting magic"
Grade 4-6
By: Ciara Evans
What happens when you put water on skittles candy?
The objective of this project is to discover whether the color of the skittles candy will melt faster with cold water or hot water. This project focuses on diffusion or the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. I hypothesize that the color will melt quicker with hot water. Arranging the skittles in order of the pattern of a rainbow, the candies were placed on two Styrofoam plates labeled A and B. 100 ml of hot water was gently poured over plate A, whereas 100 ml of cold water was gently poured over plate B. Both plates were observed for 15 minutes. My observation was that the skittle’s color melted off much faster in the hot water, with the color beginning to melt after just 30 seconds. The skittles in the cold water, however, took a few minutes to dissolve the color. By the end of the 15 minutes, the color was totally dissolved off of the skittles in the hot water. The colour was mostly dissolved from the skittles in the cold water. Observations were placed in a table of what happened to each color. It can be concluded that diffusion occurred faster in Plate A (hot water) than in Plate B (cold water).